The refresher training, assessment, and certification fee is P15,900 for cash basis in May 2024 CPALE Batch. It includes the attendance and training to the regular CPALE Review Program.
For installment basis: P9K down payment, P7,200 until Jan 16, 2024.
This promo ends on Aug 4, 2023.
Other Details
- The refresher certificate is to be issued by school/university that have accredited our Learning System.
- You enroll with us first. We will make the coordination with the school/university to make your academic enrollment official.
- It is your ultimate responsibility to determine is you are required to take the CPALE Refresher Course program.
- You are required to take and pass all the diagnostic assessments, topical tests, modular tests, and CPALE simulation tests.
- The following is the points distribution in your refresher score rating (in percent):
– Topical tests, 20% (unlimited attempts)
– Modular tests, 30% (5 takes, rating is average of highest 3 scores)
– Post-review diagnostic test, 30% (2 takes, rating is the higher score)
– Simulation tests, 20% (2 simex, 1 attempt each simex, per batch)
- Total, 100%
- Trainees for the refresher certificate are required to get a average raw score of at least 70% in all 6 CPALE courses. You are required to take modular tests and at least one simulation test.
- You will be qualified for the processing of the Refresher Certification and Transcript of Records once you have meet the required academic rating as discussed above.
- You get the physical copy of the refresher Certificate of Completion and the Transcript of Records directly from the school/university, either personally or thru courier.
- If you are nearby our place, you may personally get it from our office or from the school/university. Otherwise, we send your certificate thru courier after remitting us the freight costs.
- It normally takes six (6) months from the date of enrollment to meet the academic requirements and process a refresher certification.